ArticleHeader2 10 Step Guide to Backpacking Europe   What you need
 to know right now!
Entertaining the idea of traveling to Europe but don’t know where to get started? Well consider yourself lucky. OTP’s 10 step guide below breaks it down for you to get your travel juices flowing.

 Crooze FM.

1. Hostels/accommodations:

While the idea of spontaneously backpacking around Europe with no plan is tempting, it can also leave you with no decent place to sleep at night (think: train station bench). The best youth hostels are often packed during the summer and peak travel times, so for major cities it is probably best to book accommodations in advance. When compared to hotels or similar accommodations, hostels are relatively cheap ($10-$60 per night), safe and lots of fun. They are nothing like the movie ‘Hostel’ (Read our article: “Are Hostels like the movie Hostel?¦The Truth about Hostels”). Our favorite website to use is (For Group bookings, click here). They provide information on international hostels including prices, pictures of rooms, directions from the nearest airport or major train station to the hostel and reviews written by previous visitors. If you are unable to plan ahead, book your first few nights in a hostel with internet access and then start planning the rest of your accommodations as you decide which cities you will visit next.

2. Transportation:

For trips that will include various cities and countries, provides different options for purchasing a rail pass that allow for almost unlimited use of Europe’s extensive train system and discounts on ferry rides. It’s cheaper to buy the pass while still in your home country as opposed to when you are already in Europe. Planning on taking an overnight train ride? These rides almost always require a reservation of a seat or bed, as well as an additional fee. 10 Step Guide to Backpacking Europe What you need to know right now!Beside trains, Europe is easily and cheaply navigable by air (Read our article: How to Fly Around the World for FREE, Seriously!), hop-on-hop-off bus , ferries (where there is water enough for a boat there will be ferries, check out, and bikes (our article European Bike Express� gives you some great tips). If you want to do it on foot, you will end up looking like Jesus.
3. Safety and Health:

Most major cities throughout Europe statistically have much lower crime rates than the United States. As a matter of fact, guns are often completely illegal to own or carry in many parts of Europe (check out these stats on Wikipedia). With this said, you can avoid unnecessary drama by taking some small precautions. If you are arriving in a place that you have never visited and don’t know how to navigate, make every effort to arrive in the city before dark. Don’t make any loud claims that would indicate you are a tourist (most notably, mentioning the NFL or singing the national anthem). Read our guide: “9 Easy Techniques to Prevent and Defend Yourself Against Theft Abroad”, and 10 Essential Medical items for Your Backpack�. Just in case (there is always a just in case), Traveler’s Insurance is available to insure anything from you baggage to your teeth while traveling. A site we like
4. Food:

Eating out in Europe for 3 meals a day can be, well, expensive! Stick to street vendors for the ultimate authentic food experience and save loads of money. Or, explore the local markets and take advantage of shmoozing with the natives. Stock up on sandwich-making items and have yourself a little picnic in the park. While you eat you can people watch (just don’t be that creep that sits too close to someone on a bench). Vegetarian in a country filled with carnivores? Check or for listings of vegetarian, vegan and vegetarian-friendly restaurants and stores all around the world.
5. Money:

Assuming you have dollars to spend, you will want to exchange them to the new country’s currency after arriving at the airport or train station. The euro is widely used across Europe, though many countries have maintained their original and separate currencies. To find out which countries uses the euro, check the money section of the official website for the European Union. When budgeting for your trip, don’t forget to check the exchange rates. They are constantly in flux, so calculate the rate before you start traveling and check up on it when possible throughout your trip. Websites such as provide instant exchange calculations for any given amount. For credit cards abroad, call your card company in advance to inform them of the dates and countries you will be visiting. This should prevent your credit card company from canceling your card due to suspicious location of use.
6. Budgeting and discounts:

Finally, the tables have turned. Being a student pays rather than requiring payment! Don’t forget your student ID card, it can cut payment at museums and attractions almost in half. Sometimes a card from a foreign university is not recognized. For extra insurance, you can order an official International Student Identity Card online at This card can also be useful for traveling-related discounts and will earn you 2 free days if purchasing a Eurail Select Youth 8 day pass. Although its a great little card to have, it is not an acceptable form of ID for clubs and bars. Given you are in Europe, sometimes a wink and a couple Euros will work in place of an ID but don’t rely on it.
7. Cultural courtesy:

Although many Europeans speak English, never assume they want to. Perceptions of Americans as brash, uneducated and imperialist DO exist and will potentially influence your interactions abroad. Try to learn a few key phrases of each country’s language…Usually ‘Hello’�, ‘Goodbye’, ‘Excuse me’ and ‘Thank you’ will get you incredibly far. If you manage to spit out a ‘Do you speak English?’� in their language, natives will tend to be impressed and more inclined to help you. If you don’t want to go the phrasebook route, you can research common phrases online at http://www.omniglot.com5. Or, check out this very cool, free online language guide provided by Intrepid Travel.
8. Drugs, Drinking, and Sex:

Drinking is a normal part of everyday culture throughout Europe and different from the United States. Although there are plenty of big clubs and bars (commonly known as pubs) all throughout Europe, most drinking establishments are cafe settings where friends sit together for intimate conversations throughout anytime of the day. On the other end of the spectrum, Europe blows the idea of pub-crawls (like bar-hopping, but more foreign and fun) out of the water. Check out for some great drink party ideas. Looking to score some drugs abroad? Unless you are in a country where it’s legal, use your judgment and exercise caution. Off Track Planet does not advise anyone to purchase or take drugs illegally abroad…but, a birdie told us you might want to mingle with the many local college students who hang out around pubs.’ll probably bring up the subject themselves which is a good entry point for you. Beside potentially getting treated to a bad batch of who knows what, be aware that some countries have very harsh laws enforcing the buying/selling/possession and use of illegal substances, especially if you are foreign! You can find some factual, interesting and useful information on the International Drug Policy Consortium website. Want to have sex with someone from a far exotic land after pub-hopping all night and scoring (or not scoring) drugs ? Well, that’s exactly why you’re in Europe! The main problem that immediately surfaces is where? Having sex in hostels is tricky but do-able. Check out our article, Hostel Sex: A Fool Proof Plan to Getting it On�. Otherwise, try hooking up with locals that have their own places. If all else fails, find a condom and a nearby dark alley or cobbled winding road and end the night with a bang (or two).

9. Festivals, Museums, and Fun:

Summertime is a great time to be traveling Europe, as there are a slew of music and arts festivals happening all across the continent at different times. Check out for a thorough listing of all festivals going on in Europe. If you feel the need to see something beautiful (aside from the native residents and sprawling plazas), go through the museum descriptions at to find a museum that is right for you. Don’t enjoy festivals or museums? Don’t panic! You may want to cater your trip to other interests, such as biking the French countryside, going on a glacier tour in Iceland, or joining some excitable and rowdy fans at a British football (soccer) game. Whatever you choose to do in Europe for fun this summer, know that it will likely blow your mind.

10. Work opportunities:

One common phenomenon that occurs after backpacking Europe is that travelers often don’t want to leave! Whether you have fallen in love with a city, a person or a shady street corner (see number 8 on this list), there are plenty of opportunities to wet your appetite for living abroad. For help with finding a full-time job after college graduation, provides good advice on the application process throughout different regions and countries. There are also opportunities for something less serious and permanent, is an excellent resource to explore options for short-term work, volunteer programs and internships. Now that you have a starting point, get your kibbles and bits together and start planning your European adventure.Bon Voyage[pali_santa.jpg]

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